Monday, November 14, 2011

An introvert's introspection.

Sometimes I forget things. Sometimes I meet such great, exciting people that I forget I'm kind of a hermit. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the new fun things that are happening to/around me that I forget basic things about myself. Things like...I am an introvert. I don't just want or like alone time; I need it. I like to spend copious amounts of time on the internet. On the couch. Watching chick flicks. Sometimes with no pants. But mostly the alone time part, and the needing thereof.

And, apparently, if I don't get it, I turn into a crazy person.

As a flight attendant, I had long overnights entirely on my own. I had random, mid-week days off work, during which all my friends were busy and I got to just hang out at home and do whatever needed doing. As a bank teller, my schedule was fluid, and I still had random days and times off. Even living with my (sometimes overbearing) parents, I knew I had certain hours every week when the house would be mine.

And then there's now. I have this amazing new boyfriend, a roommate who happens to also be my bestie, commitments on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, 40 hour work weeks, other friends, game nights, family.... And suddenly, weeks have gone by, and I realize I can't remember the last time I had an evening alone, the last time I got to hang out in an empty apartment.

And then I turn into a crazy person.

Today, I asked Jess to vacate the apartment for me for an evening or so. She was happy to oblige, and just the thought of it, just knowing I'd have an empty apartment tonight, improved my mood a thousandfold.

Lesson learned. Lesson. learned.

1 comment:

  1. As anti social as it sounds i get this post. If I spend too much time with other people I get to breaking point and just don't want to see any one what so ever for a lengthly amount of time... Thankfully I get to work from home to I steal my alone time when the other half is at work :D
